Jane Doe

This past Sunday, my best friend Caitlyn shared her story of The World Race with our Sunday School class. I was responsible for teaching on July 13 but I knew that Caitlyn would be in town. I and I am sure many others have been touched by her story. I felt that it would be a disgrace not to have her share her memories and burdens with my spiritual family. While Caitlyn and I brainstormed what all she should talk about the Spirit touched our hearts in a call for prayer. Caitlyn choose 10 kids she met on the race that had a special place in her heart and we printed their pictures with there names and other identifying information on the back. After Caitlyn shared her story, we gave each of the members of the class a child to pray over and challenged them to lift these children up to God for the next 30 days. Below in the gallery is each of the kids and their names. I ask you to join us in praying for them.

While the members of the class received these kids with their names and personality quirks, Glenn and I received a Jane Doe. She is a beautiful Nicaraguan girl. She looks about the age of four. The only thing we know about her is that she lives in the slums. She may have never heard the name of Jesus. She may not know what it means to be loved. She may not foresee anything good for her future. But today I will pray that none of these statements stay true for her lifetime.


I lift this little Nicaraguan princess up to you. I pray that your guiding hand is on her every moment of every day for the rest of her life. Send someone to her that will show her your love and grace. Pour your mercy on her. Help her to rise out of her situation and glorify you all the days of her life. Bless her greatly. Let her identify you as her Father and King. Let her know she is loved by you and that your love holds no comparison. Give her the strength to get through each day. And God, if she has a family, let them find you. Help them to turn to you in their earthly life. Let them love one another as you love them. Show this beautiful little girl she is of value. A greater value than she may ever find here on Earth. She is more precious than gold and emeralds, more perfect than a diamond. Bring her a great peace and help her to grow into a graceful woman that will one day point others to you.

In Jesus Name I Pray,
